The emotions of discovering new and unknown is provided by each classroom being arranged thematically, according to the subject of education. Espania Kindergarten has 10 classrooms divided by the age and language specialization. The maximum number of children in one classroom is 7.
Espania Private Kindergarten has the lowest number of children per 1 teacher in the country of Slovakia, which provides unique and ideal ground for individual growth for each student and for individual assessment by the teacher.
The student / staff ratio in Espania is 2 full time employees to 1 child. The student / staff ratio including the external teachers is 1,6 employees to 1 child. All lessons are adjusted to the age level and engage students in the topic in a multi-faceted way (ex: learning the names of animals by taking toy animals a bath, and thus also learning key hygienic behaviors while also having a sensory experience with water, soap/foam, and sponges). This not only encourages student interest in a given topic and activity but also provides a differentiated and versatile learning experience.
Year One
The main goal of the first year nursery groups (one- to two-years old) is to assist students in recognizing important places and people in their immediate surroundings as well as to develop independence, gross and fine motor skills, and common behaviors and social gestures.
In mathematics, children are introduced to foundational critical thinking skills such as: recognizing spatial and numeral relationships, as well as categorizing and quantifying objects. In social studies, children begin to create concepts of self and social identity, etiquette and hygienic behaviors, as well as daily routines and rules. In science, they learn to identify the human face and body, the senses, and are encouraged to explore body functions (like rolling or climbing) and new textures to sense. Geography lessons focus on familiarizing children with their immediate surroundings, including the kindergarten, home, and the physical world. Art encourages children of this age group to explore colors, textures, shapes, and the fine motor skills necessary to build a foundation for drawing. The language curriculum also engages with beginning handwriting, but mainly focuses on encouraging communication through gestures, inflection, action words and engagement through song.
Activities that challenge their motor skills.
Imitation play and brightly colored, sensory-engaging objects.
Following along with a story.
Introducing structure through establishing classroom rules and social conduct.
Year Two
The main goal for the second year groups (two- to three-years old) is to improve gross and fine motor skills, student independence, social awareness of others, and to explore and begin organizing the world around them.
In mathematics, children continue to build upon foundational critical thinking skills such as: naming basic shapes and numbers up to ten, categorizing objects by singular attributes, and comparing quantities of more, less, or same amounts. In social studies, children continue to build concepts of self and social identity by learning how to identify themselves and others through physical features, emotions, titles or occupations (mother, friend, teacher), and responsibilities. In science, they are introduced to basic changes in the world around them like the seasons, weather, and growth of plants. Geography lessons move students’ knowledge outside of the kindergarten and home to modes of transportation and common places in the local community. Art encourages children of this age group to identify favorite colors, to create with purpose, to make representations of real objects, and to improve fine motor skills necessary for drawing and writing. The language curriculum focuses on encouraging more vocal communication with the use of the alphabet, pronouns, action words, directional phrases, and production of two- to five-word sentences.
They enjoy imaginative play as well as visual and physical activities.
Show increased interest in music and drawing.
Are able to sort objects by categories, imitate more complex adult actions, and name objects in a picture book.
Begin to regularly respond to simple directions, follow classroom rules and social conduct.
Year Three
The main goal for the third - year groups (three- to four-years old) is to gain a broader understanding of society, encourage social relationships, and to actively engage in creative and critical thinking.
In mathematics, children begin to compare and contrast objects by varying amounts and attributes, learn to sequence objects with the use of positional and ordinal terms, and are introduced to simple addition. In social studies, children learn about health, individual and group responsibilities, problem-solving skills, and concepts of time. In science, they learn about the animal kingdom, including facts about animal habitats and anatomy. Geography lessons expand children’s community to a global scale in order to learn about landscapes, bodies of water, and maps. Art encourages children of this age group to explore self-expression while learning proper usage of various art tools, and refining fine motor skills and hand grasp for writing utensils and scissors. The language curriculum focuses on intonation and structure of spoken conversation, expanding knowledge of the alphabet, and being able to understand and construct multi-step directions and complex sentences.
Enjoy imaginative and constructive play, as well as associative play with other kids.
Show inclination towards music and physical activities.
Are extremely curious. They are interested in asking questions, investigating, inventing, discussing, and can remember and tell parts of stories.
Can engage with a select activity for a long, focused period of time. They can start and stop activities based on external cues (like time limits). They also can follow three-part directions, cooperate with others and take turns, understand cause-and-effect relationships, and follow classroom rules and social conduct.
Year Four & Extended Learning
The main goal for the final years (four- to five-years old) at the kindergarten is to prepare students for introduction to primary school with a focus on individual and group activities, which encourage independence, responsibility, creative expression and critical thinking.
In mathematics, children continue to work with addition, subtraction and sequencing, as well as being introduced to reading time and measurements. In social studies, children learn about technology, professions, diversity, civil responsibilities, and safety. In science, they learn about anatomy, living and non-living things, life cycles, and explore the physical sciences through experimentation and observation. Geography lessons focus on children creating large scale concepts of their local and global community, as well as refining map-reading skills. Art encourages children of this age group to explore art movements throughout history while engaging critical thinking of art, culture and their own self-expression. The language curriculum focuses on further advancing handwriting, engaging students in various techniques for reading and spelling, and in improving conversational skills.